• Manifest files
  • Manifest files

    In order to integrate with the Online Accounts framework, one needs to ship a couple of manifest files which describe the online services being used or provided.

    Account plugins must ship a provider file which can contain account settings readable by applications. Applications must ship an application file which tells which online services the application is able to use, and service files which describes the online services and their settings.

    The provider files

    A .provider file describes an online accounts provider. It's a XML file, typically installed in /usr/share/accounts/providers/ or ~/.local/share/accounts/providers/ which looks like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <provider id="facebook">
        <group name="auth">
          <setting name="method">oauth2</setting>
          <setting name="mechanism">user_agent</setting>
          <group name="oauth2">
            <group name="user_agent">
              <setting name="Host">www.facebook.com</setting>
              <setting name="AuthPath">/dialog/oauth</setting>
              <setting name="RedirectUri">https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html</setting>
              <setting name="Display">popup</setting>
              <setting type="as" name="Scope">['publish_stream','status_update','user_photos']</setting>
              <setting name="ClientId">412471239412</setting>
              <setting type="as" name="AllowedSchemes">['https','http']</setting>

    This file name must match the value of the id tag in the root <provider> element, plus the ".provider" suffix.

    The only mandatory element is <name>, and that's the display name of the provider. Other optional elements are:

    The service files

    A .service file describes an online service. It's a XML file, typically installed in /usr/share/accounts/services/ or ~/.local/share/accounts/services/ which looks like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <service id="picasa">
        <group name="auth/oauth2/user_agent">
          <setting type="as" name="Scope">["https://picasaweb.google.com/data/"]</setting>
        <setting type="i" name="max-resolution">2048</setting>

    The name of the file must match the contents of the id tag in the root <service> element, plus the ".service" suffix. Despite the complexity of the example above, only two pieces of information are mandatory:

    Other information which can be embedded in .service files:

    The application files

    An .application file describes how an application uses online accounts. It's a XML file, typically installed in /usr/share/accounts/applications/ or ~/.local/share/accounts/applications/ which looks like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <application id="my-photo-manager">
      <description>My Photo Manager</description>
        <service id="photo-instagram">
          <description>Publish your pictures to Instagram</description>
        <service id="photo-facebook">
          <description>Publish your pictures to Facebook</description>
        <service-type id="photo-sharing">
          <description>Publish your pictures to your favorite site</description>

    The name of the file must match the contents of the id tag in the root <application> element, plus the ".application" suffix. None of the elements is mandatory, but in order to be linked to some online accounts there should be at least one valid <service> or <service-type> element.

    The XML elements that an .application file can contain are:

    The template element

    Accounts can contain settings which can be useful for applications, for example authentication parameters or server settings (such as the address and port of an IMAP server). These settings are stored in the accounts database, and an application can read them by accessing the AccountService::settings property. The <template> element in the .service or .provider files can be used to specify a fallback value for those settings which have not been set in the accounts database.

    A .service file <template> element is used when the id of the AccountService::service object matches its ID. The .provider file <template> element is instead used when the id of the AccountService::service object is empty, meaning that the AccountService is describing the global account, and not a specific service.

    Format of the default settings

    The <template> element describes a dictionary of keys and values, where the key is always a string, and values can be any data type. Keys can contain the "/" character, which can be used to define key groups; for instance:

        <setting name="net/server/address">example.com</setting>
        <setting name="net/server/port" type="u">2500</setting>
        <setting name="net/use-ssl" type="b">false</setting>

    is equivalent to

        <group name="net">
          <group name="server">
            <setting name="address">example.com</setting>
            <setting name="port" type="u">2500</setting>
          <setting name="use-ssl" type="b">false</setting>

    and also to

        <group name="net/server">
            <setting name="address">example.com</setting>
            <setting name="port" type="u">2500</setting>
        <setting name="net/use-ssl" type="b">false</setting>

    Values are always assumed to be strings, unless a type attribute is set in the <setting> element; the most commonly used types are:

    strings<setting... type="s">Hello world!</setting>
    booleanb<setting... type="b">true</setting>
    integeri<setting... type="i">-12</setting>
    unsignedu<setting... type="u">256</setting>
    array of stringsas<setting... type="as">["one","two"]</setting>

    Authentication data

    The object returned by the AccountService::authData property is also built with a similar fallback mechanism as the rest of account settings, but it's a bit more refined to especially address the needs of application developers to override the authentication parameters. A typical example is OAuth 2.0, where the application might need to specify a different ClientId and ClientSecret than those used by the rest of the system. Another example is that of an account provider offering a REST API with an OAuth 2.0 authentication for publishing pictures, but a basic username/password authentication to access an IMAP mail sever.

    The authentication data consists of:

    When the AccountService represents the global account, then the authentication data obtained by reading the AccountService::authData property follows the usual fallback scheme: the parameters stored in the accounts database have precence over the template parameters defined in the .provider file.

    However, if the AccountService represent a service within an account, the authentication parameters are read in the following order (higher priority is listed first):